I can hear you now!

It has been an exciting week at the Mead Cultural Education Center. We finally have all the bugs worked out and our phones are operational. If you need to contact us, please call 605-665-3898. Join us this Riverboat Days at the Mead Cultural Education Center! We will be hosting a Vendor Fair and we are looking for people who make unique crafts – contact Heidi at programs@meadbuilding.org to sign up by Aug. 5. It’s not too late to contribute to the Mead Matters – Parking Lot Campaign. Contact Camille at info@meadbuilding.org if you would like to talk about a contribution. Check out our calendar of events at www.meadbuilding.org, or you can stop out at the Mead Cultural Education Center at 82 Mickelson Drive. Our summer hours are Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm (closed Wednesdays) and Sunday 1pm-5pm. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.