Getting Ready for new exhibit space

There is much excitement on the second floor of the Mead Cultural Education Center. West wing rooms are one step closer to being ready for a special exhibit dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Yankton State Hospital – opening in Fall 2019. Also in honor of the big anniversary, our April Feed Your Mind program (Friday, April 5) will be the history of the state hospital presented by former administrator Steve Lindquist. We are honored to have Steve back in Yankton for this visit – so be sure to save the date Friday, April 5th at 12pm. For more on upcoming events you can check out our calendar of events at You can stop out at the Mead Cultural Education Center at 82 Mickelson Drive, email us at Our winter hours are Monday-Friday 10am-4pm (closed Wednesdays) and Saturday & Sunday 1pm-5pm. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.