Learn Something New

It is the new year and we have some great things planned at the Mead Cultural Education Center (MCEC) for 2019. To kick things off, on Saturday, Jan. 19, we will be hosting our Beginner Crochet class. This is the first of many educational programs we will be offering at the MCEC. The class will run from 2-4pm, and costs $25 for non-members/$20 for members – Register by Jan. 17, 2019. All you need will be provided for you. Also coming up this year, we will be offering Beginner Quilting, historical/ethnic cooking classes, and some fun things in our Heritage Park. On Feb. 1, 2019, we will also be bringing back our noon-hour program on the first Friday of each month, now called Feed Your Mind. For more on upcoming events you can check out our calendar of events at www.meadbuilding.org. You can stop out at the Mead Cultural Education Center at 82 Mickelson Drive, email us at info@dakotaterritorialmuseum.org, or give us a call and leave a message at 605-665-3898. If you are interested in becoming a member you can stop and us or check out our website at www.dakotaterritorialmuseum.org and click on join. Our new winter hours are Monday-Friday 10am-4pm (closed Wednesdays) and Saturday & Sunday 1pm-5pm. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.