Walls are Going Up

This week the walls for the elevator shaft started going up at the Mead Cultural Education Center. Everything is progressing nicely for our December opening. Soon the museum offices will be moving from the 610 Summit Street location to the Mead Cultural Education Center. If you have any questions please call us at 605-665-3898. Tickets are on sale for the Haunted History Tours – be sure to get yours before they are all booked. Get your membership to the Yankton County Historical Society now. We have great options for students, individuals, couples, families, and businesses. The week leading up to Dec. 15 we will be hosting a members-only preview of the new museum, as well as tours of what the public won’t see. There are wonderful benefits to joining, including free admission to the museum for an entire year. There is something for everyone. Contact us for you membership form today - Dakota Territorial Museum at 610 Summit Street (in Westside Park), on Facebook/Dakota Territorial Museum, visit us online at www.dakotaterritorialmuseum.org or www.meadbuilding.org, or call us at 605-665-3898.