Rare Glimpse

Here is a rare glimpse of the durability of the exterior walls at the Mead Cultural Education Center. You can see in the picture that the walls are quite thick and sturdy. Work on the exterior has begun for the elevator, bringing us one step closer ready for our re-opening on Dec. 15. Be sure to join us that day for a Vintage Christmas at the Mead event. It is sure to be a fun day for everyone. Now is a great time to consider joining the Yankton County Historical Society. There are wonderful benefits to joining, including free admission to the museum for an entire year. Contact us for you membership form today - Dakota Territorial Museum at 610 Summit Street (in Westside Par!), on Facebook/Dakota Territorial Museum, visit us online at www.dakotaterritorialmuseum.org or www.meadbuilding.org, or call us at 605-665-3898.