Walls are Framed
We are another step closer to being ready for the big reveal. The walls for the gift shop, which will be called the Mead Merchantile, have been framed in and are waiting their next step. Can not wait to see the stained glass when it is installed. There is so much going on at the Mead Cultural Education Center and everyone is staying extremely busy. Watch for us at the Riverboat Days Parade and stop by to see us down at the river. There will be big announcement happening this weekend. Plus you will not want to miss our membership deals. Are you still looking for another way to help? There are many ways you can get involved. Our Schwan’s Cares campaign is still an opportunity. As well as our anniversary registries are still active at Menards and Kopetsky’s Ace Hardware. If you would like to help, please contact the Dakota Territorial Museum at 610 Summit Street (in Westside Park), on Facebook/Dakota Territorial Museum, visit us online at www.dakotaterritorialmuseum.org or www.meadbuilding.org, or call us at 605-665-3898.