The Heat Is On

Photo courtesy DTM
After Krohmer Plumbing got the pipes hooked up for the furnaces, Kaiser Heating and Cooling fired up the furnaces (pictured above) and boy what a difference it has made in the building. Big thank you to them. Project manager Joseph James said they actually had to turn the thermostat down after it had been warming overnight. This is making a huge difference over the last several mornings when it has been chilly. Have you heard the news – we are hosting a New Year’s Eve party! The Mead Masquerade Ball will be the premiere event at the Mead Cultural Education Center. Check it out online or contact the museum for more information – you won’t want to miss this event. Reminder – The Mead Project is still $350,000 shy of our $4.7 million goal. It’s not too late to make your contribution today - please contact the Dakota Territorial Museum at 610 Summit Street (in Westside Park), on Facebook, visit our website at or, or call us at 605-665-3898.