Furnace Installation Underway!
The Mead crew has been busy installing and wiring the new heating system for the building. Even though the weather is warming up, it’s very exciting to think that in the future our heating needs will be covered without having to bring a small furnace from room to room with us! The units being installed with serve the majority of the building, with some areas needing additional furnaces that will be installed later. Heating and cooling are a huge step that will allow us to move into the building comfortably and protect the artifacts from extreme temperature changes. If you have questions about the project or events please contact the Dakota Territorial Museum at 610 Summit Street (in Westside Park), on Facebook, visit our website at www.dakotaterritorialmuseum.org or www.meadbuilding.org, or call us at 605-665-3898. We are open 10am-5pm Monday through Friday and from noon-4pm on weekends.