Exciting Sitting Bull Exhibit!
This is an exciting weekend for the Mead Cultural Education Center. Our first official exhibit will be showcased this Saturday and Sunday! The foyer work that has been ongoing is finally finished. The scaffold is down, the paint is on the walls and ceilings, and the lights have been replaced. Although this is a short term exhibit, we are excited to show off the work that has been done. There is a long way to go, but the progress is outstanding. Details for the event are on the Facebook page for the Museum. If you have questions about the project or events please contact us at the Dakota Territorial Museum at 610 Summit Street (in Westside Park), on Facebook, visit our website at www.dakotaterritorialmuseum.org or www.meadbuilding.org, or call us at 605-665-3898. The museum is open noon-4 pm seven days a week.
