Project Update
Project manager Gregg Homstad has begun re-applying stencils to the ceiling in the foyer this week. It is delicate work. The Mead Building Committee offers a big thank you to Richard Robinson for his donation last fall of a large tool box to the crew at Mead. This has been a great asset. Dakota Territorial Museum director, Crystal Nelson announced last week that museum volunteer Karen Rogat has been named Collections Registrar at the museum. Rogat will be working closely with Nelson and the other volunteers to ensure the collection is properly cataloged and documented in the computer. Conservator Terri Schindel will be on site Feb. 23-27 to conduct advanced training and working with people in a hands-on setting. This training is for anyone who has already received basic training in collections care. For more information, please contact the Dakota Territorial Museum. The training sessions are possible thanks to the IMLS grant the museum received. If you have questions about the project or events you can contact us at the Dakota Territorial Museum at 610 Summit Street (in Westside Park), on Facebook, or call us at 605-665-3898. The museum is open Noon-4pm seven days a week.