Lighting the Way

The workers are getting the Mead ready the Masquerade Ball on Dec. 31. This week, Paul Hursell (pictured above) and project director Joe James worked on the lights on the second floor. It has been a labor of love with the lights as they require stripping paint and restoring them. It’s going to be exciting to see things come together over the next few weeks. The second floor parlors are going to look great for the big event and you don’t want to miss out this New Year’s Eve – food, drink, magic, dancing. Do you have your tickets yet for the Mead Masquerade Ball! This is the premiere event at the new facility with money raised going towards exhibit design. Tickets are $100 each and still available at the museum – stop by or give us a call. You don’t want to miss this event. Reminder – The Mead Project is still $350,000 shy of our $4.7 million goal. It’s not too late to make your contribution today - please contact the Dakota Territorial Museum at 610 Summit Street (in Westside Park), on Facebook, visit us online at or, or call us at 605-665-3898.